Fifth Grade Celebration

The 5th Grade Celebration is a tradition that our 5th Graders have worked so hard for and looked forward to for quite some time.  It’s a huge last “hoorah” celebrating all that our students have accomplished here at SPES.  Although bittersweet for us parents, it is such a wonderful time for us to help them bid a fond farewell to their Elementary Years, wishing them all the best as they move on to the next phase of their educational years.

Our 5th Grade Celebration committee is hoping that you’re as excited as we are about all the fun and exciting things to look forward to this year.  We, as parents, are completely (and emotionally) embracing this time…it’s been almost 6 years of supporting, helping, encouraging, and (occasionally) nagging our boys and girls to do their best.  This is OUR time to show them just how proud they make us, always!

Thanks in advance to all parents, teachers, staff, students, and volunteers!!!  We are so looking forward this exciting year and the celebration alike.  Let’s work hard to make this year’s celebration a memorable one, as our kids “graduate” from Short Pump Elementary School!

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